How to Contact Us

01306 712447

Parish Clerk,
Parish Office and Hall,
55A The Street

The parish office is open between 9 and 2 on all working days and the hall is used for council meetings throughout the year.

A copy of the terms and conditions for hiring the hall can be found here and the booking form.

Hiring charges from October 1st 2024 are as follows:


Hourly rates

Regular hirers/residents


Ad hoc hires weekday


Ad hoc hires weekend


Ad hoc hires weekend, regular hirers/residents


Childrens 4 hour party


£15 for extra hours


Please contact the parish clerk for more details.

Capel Parish HallCapel Parish Office

In 2016 a project was completed to convert the old youth club building into the parish council office and hall, the funding was secured with a public works loan over a 20-year term. This has created a modern, light and spacious hall with kitchen, toilet with baby changing facilities, a built-in overhead projector, Wi-Fi, tables and chairs.