Capel Parish Council (CPC) has a large and varied portfolio of assets in Beare Green, Capel and Coldharbour.  This map shows the details of all the land which is owned and managed in the parish. Nearly all the verges, green spaces and ditches through the village of Capel are the responsibility of the parish and incur not only anticipated budgeted annual costs but also unforeseen maintenance and repair work.

CPC has an annual grass cutting contract to maintain Capel Recreation Ground, Bennetts Green and all the surrounding grass verges.  CPC is responsible for the grass cutting and ditch clearing on the Beare Green football ground.  CPC has also taken on responsibility for the amenity woodland in Markham Park.  Misbrooks Green is strimmed along the top of the bridleway, normally twice annually, with the grass on the green being cut bi-annually.  The ditches fronting the green along Misbrooks Green Road are also maintained by CPC.

The maintenance of the road/bridleway past Misbrook Cottages is undertaken on a percentage basis with the cottage owners as is the road to the Beare Green Cottages.  Footpaths to Capel Recreation ground have to be cut back twice a year and all the wooden foot bridges maintained.

Hedges around the Capel allotments, along Mortimer Road as well as the vegetation around the Beare Green Community Centre and the Beare Green Pavilion car park are all maintained by CPC.  The hedges on both sides of Old Horsham Road, Beare Green are the responsibility of CPC as is the pond at the end of Moorhurst Lane.

In Coldharbour, CPC owns the triangle of land in front of Roffeys which it cuts twice a year. It pays for two cuts of the hedge around Christ Church and the John Venus Hall and contributes to tree-work in the graveyard and the village clock on Clock Cottage. Although not owned by CPC it donates annually £1,000 towards the maintenance of the Coldharbour Community Pavilion.

Ditches on all parish land must be monitored and cleared as necessary.  Overgrown vegetation, dead and fallen trees also have to be dealt with. There is a monthly programme to monitor the safety of all trees and any which are deemed as dangerous are dealt with as soon as possible.


CPC is responsible for the maintenance of the burial ground extension at the rear of St John the Baptist Church in Capel, a map can be viewed here.  This includes all grass cutting, strimming and maintenance of the boundaries to the north, west and south with shared responsibility with the diocese for the eastern boundary.


The CPC insurance policy covers the playgrounds in Beare Green, Capel and Coldharbour (not the playground by Merebank as this is a Mole Valley responsibility).

CPC has the equipment in all three playgrounds checked on a regular basis in order to ensure compliance with the annual Mole Valley safety check and pays for any repairs and maintenance work required. The bark surface has to be replaced every year on the Coldharbour playground, the boundary panelling maintained and over-growing vegetation cut back. CPC is also responsible for the outdoor gym equipment at Beare Green and Capel.


CPC has purchased and maintains a notice board in each of the 3 wards on which all parish meeting notices and other information are published. It also contributes to the upkeep of the church notice board in Beare Green.


In 2021 CPC adopted the units in Capel and Coldharbour and is responsible for their annual maintenance. 


The refurbished building was opened in 2016, a 20-year public works loan was secured which is paid back at £5,425 per annum. There is an annual cleaning and maintenance budget of £1,200.


CPC pays annual membership to the 'The Surrey Association of Local Councils' of £1,300, which provides CPC with legal and organisational advise and support, plus access to NALC which is the national governing body for all parish councils.


A sizeable budget is put aside every year for applications for the funding of community projects within the parish. These should be sent to the clerk and will be considered at the next finance committee meeting which sits quarterly, here is the application form. As well as the annual precept, funds are also received from CIL payments and Easements which are held in our reserves. Photos of completed projects can be viewed here.


The parish clerk is a full-time, salaried position.

Regular annual costs consist of utility bills, audit, legal and office costs, staff and councillor training and membership fees as well as the insurance for all parish owned assets.  Currently this is £5,200 per annum to insure Capel Recreation Ground, Capel Parish Hall and Office, Capel Bowls Club, Capel Sports Pavilion, Beare Green Pavilion and the three children's playgrounds.

CPC is as transparent as possible with its expenditure, if you have questions please contact the parish clerk. 

Our financial year begins in April, here are the details of the 2024/25 budget.

The complete list of the powers and duties of a parish council are available in this document. Within it you will see that the scope of powers is wide, giving the council the legal authority to maintain your parish.


As well as the annual precept payment and council tax grant, CPC receives regular income from the rental of allotments, the hire of the parish hall and ashes interments at St John the Baptist graveyard in Capel. Easements are occasionally negotiated and received for access across land owned by CPC and CIL payments are received from any new housing developments within the parish.


A year-end internal audit was carried out on May 3rd 2023, these will continue every six months by arrangement with the Internal Auditor, view the latest report here

Monitoring the effectiveness of Internal Audits and a risk assessment is conducted annually at the May Finance Committee meeting. All are approved and then published after the subsequent executive committee meeting.

An External audit was conducted on September 13th 2023 and will continue annually, the certificate can be viewed here.